Are you confused by what products are thyroid-friendly?

Get my Thyroid-Friendly Toxin Free Guide


Did you know that your thyroid can be impacted by the products that you use on your body and in your home everyday? 

Your hypothyroidism symptoms may be enhanced due to just using the wrong containers for food storage, the wrong toothpaste, facewash, laundry detergent, and so on. 

With my
Thyroid-Friendly Toxin-Free Guide, you’ll know EXACTLY what products are safe for your thyroid and no longer need to guess about what you should or shouldn’t buy to keep your thyroid happy.

I personally know what it’s like to want to do all the things you can do to improve the health of your thyroid, and to be overwhelmed and confused by it all as well. 

But here’s the deal……

You don’t need to spend hours researching what products are actually safe for your thyroid. I've spent hundreds of hours researching it all for you...and they're all here for you inside this guide. Not only that, but I break it down into 9 sections: 

Face, Body, Beauty Tools, Oral Care, Hair, Men’s, Kids, Home, and First Aid. 

In this FREE guide you’ll learn: 

  •  Why it is important to address toxins in the first place 
  • What products are safe for your thyroid 
  • How to purchase some of these products


About me

Hi, I’m Angela Brown. Founder of The Sexy Thyroid Solution 

I help women with a slow thyroid and metabolism regain their energy, lose those stubborn pounds, and balance their hormones naturally.

At age 22, I was a fresh college grad working as a full time physical therapist when my whole world changed. It had become increasingly difficult staying awake during the day, my hair started falling out in clumps, my skin was a mess, I was cold all the time, and my weight was sky-rocketing.

After a trip to the doctor and one blood test, they told me I had hypothyroidism and put me on the usual thyroid medication (Synthroid). I was hopeful this was going to do the trick … and for while it did. However, after a few months, I was back to square one and back to the doctor. They increased my medications and sent me on my way. 

This vicious cycle happened again and again and again, for years. I tried a different doctor… but was told the same thing (and put back on the same medication). I lived this way for the next 10 years. In and out of doctor’s offices, blood test after blood test. All they did was tell me I needed to accept my symptoms. This was just life, a factor of getting older. But I wasn’t about to do that! 

So, I did my own research, took courses and ultimately became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). It was at this point that I FINALLY started getting answers. I began testing on myself and kept digging for more answers.
I finally saw what all those doctors missed for all those years.

I found the holistic approaches that helped get my thyroid back on track. I now feel better than I ever have before! I still have hypothyroidism today, but it is finally controlled with the correct supplements and lifestyle choices that work for my thyroid. 

As an FDN-P, I now help other women, like you, to be advocates for their health and manage their thyroid health and get their sexy back (Justin Timberlake anyone?!).

Get the FREE Guide Now

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“This information is GOLD!  Wish I would have known this years ago when I started my thyroid journey!” 

~~ Laura H.

“I had no idea how much the thyroid was affected by toxins.  So glad I have this information now!  It has made a huge difference!” 

~~ Susan P.

“I love that I don’t have to research this myself! It is all in one spot! So helpful and important info, especially if you have thyroid or hormone issues!”

~~ Amanda H.

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